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Update: NORLYS har ju gjort sin hemläxa på den här punkten. Här är NORLYS brukerundersokelse 2007 plus 60 sidor kommentarer. Inte illa!
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Här är axplock ur en intressant enkät som kommer från ett antal klubbar i Milwaukee, USA. Ganska mycket samma frågeställningar som vi har här…
A little over a year ago, a group in Milwaukee got together to survey racers in order for area clubs to improve their programs. About 285 people – skippers, crew, representatives of 4 clubs, ODs and PHRF sailors participated in a 30 question in-depth interview.
While it is specific to a region, it is a large, highly representative sample of racing sailors, and I’ll bet that some of the lessons in Milwaukee will apply elsewhere. So here are some highlights.
Visst borde man i något läge ta tag i detta? Nu snackas det massa på bloggar, bryggor och i enskilda klubbar, men det hade varit bättre om vi fick klara besked kring vad som hindrar folk från att kappsegla. Vem är närmast sörjande? SSF, SHF eller VKSF? Idéer?
Q2: Which best descibes your interest in sailboat racing?
Q3: Approximately how many times do race sailboats per year?
Q5: How valuable are the following aspects of sailboat racing for you?
Q8: How big is the boat that you race on?
Q9: How many crew does the boat require to be sailed well?
Q19: Does a shortage of crew ever prevent you from racing?
Q22: What type of racing would you like to see more of? (Check all that apply)
Q26: Would you be willing to help in some way to enable more racing? (Select all those that apply)
Q28: Do you have anything to add to this survey that you feel has not been covered?
- Formalize and emphasize cross organizational racing programs
- Improve bay-wide communication and coordination
- Develop a schedule that is fun easy and convenient
- Build programs to train the next generation of crew and skippers
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Update: NORLYS har ju gjort sin hemläxa på den här punkten. Här är NORLYS brukerundersokelse 2007 plus 60 sidor kommentarer. Inte illa!
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Här är axplock ur en intressant enkät som kommer från ett antal klubbar i Milwaukee, USA. Ganska mycket samma frågeställningar som vi har här…
A little over a year ago, a group in Milwaukee got together to survey racers in order for area clubs to improve their programs. About 285 people – skippers, crew, representatives of 4 clubs, ODs and PHRF sailors participated in a 30 question in-depth interview.
While it is specific to a region, it is a large, highly representative sample of racing sailors, and I’ll bet that some of the lessons in Milwaukee will apply elsewhere. So here are some highlights.
Visst borde man i något läge ta tag i detta? Nu snackas det massa på bloggar, bryggor och i enskilda klubbar, men det hade varit bättre om vi fick klara besked kring vad som hindrar folk från att kappsegla. Vem är närmast sörjande? SSF, SHF eller VKSF? Idéer?
Q2: Which best descibes your interest in sailboat racing?
Q3: Approximately how many times do race sailboats per year?
Q5: How valuable are the following aspects of sailboat racing for you?
Q8: How big is the boat that you race on?
Q9: How many crew does the boat require to be sailed well?
Q19: Does a shortage of crew ever prevent you from racing?
Q22: What type of racing would you like to see more of? (Check all that apply)
Q26: Would you be willing to help in some way to enable more racing? (Select all those that apply)
Q28: Do you have anything to add to this survey that you feel has not been covered?
- Formalize and emphasize cross organizational racing programs
- Improve bay-wide communication and coordination
- Develop a schedule that is fun easy and convenient
- Build programs to train the next generation of crew and skippers
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Read more at: https://feeds.feedburner.com/~r/blur/rtLd/~3/194370957/.